Papa Smurf is the village chief. He was 542 years old last spring. You'll recognise him by his white beard and red clothes. He's a wise old Smurf, who tries as much as he can to stop the Smurfs acting like crude humans. Being an experienced alchemist, he often saves the Smurfs from danger using his knowledge. With a flower in his bonnet and a mirror on his hand, Vanity is the Smurf that cares the most about his appearance. Delicate and sensitive, he spends his time talking fabrics with Smurfette and keeping his complexion fresh. If, by accident, his mirror breaks, he is the unhappiest Smurf. * Character yg paling aku minat...sebab characteristic utama dia sama cam aku;P....Suke pegang cermin ( tp bukan kat depan public laa..)dia ni eccentric sikit..err..mcm aku gak ker...?? The Smurfette was originally created by the horrible wizard Gargamel to cause trouble amongst the Smurfs. With a big nose and wild hair, she didn't originally look like much. Using his alchemy and knowledge, Papa Smurf transformed her into the charming Smurfette that melts the hearts of the other Smurfs. She's one of a kind, full of feminine grace and frivolous. She can also be very much a woman, playing with the feelings of her sweethearts. * 1 dari 3 watak ladies dlm Smurf..Bersuara serak2 basah & menjadi kegilaan Smurf2 lain.. The Smurf that can do anything in the village. Not only can he fix anything, he can also invent 1,001 useful machines. A robot, a plane, a little train and even a machine that can Smurf rain and blue skies. As he's always busy, you'll spot him in blue overalls with a pencil over his ear. * Mat tukang, dia sorang je pakai overalls ngan pensil terselit kat celah telinga.. Hefty by name, and hefty by nature! Hefty is easily spotted as he has tattooed a heart on his arm. He keeps fit by practicing just about every sport. If something difficult has to be done, you can count on him. Even though he's a bit of a bumpkin, he's always ready to lend a hand. * Badang lam kg.Smurf, gagah perkasa lagi macho ada tatoo hati ngan arrow kt lengan kanannya... Gargamel is a nasty, sneaky and hypocritical wizard that lives in a horrible cottage in the heart to the forest. He hates Smurfs and does everything within his power to capture them. Luckily for them, he also happens to very stupid, so they have always been able to escape. But be careful, he has sworn revenge. * Watak antagonis yg suka menangkap Smurf 2 kecik ni..3,4 Smurf leh muat dlm tangan dia..Lepas tangkap dia akan kurung Smurf2 tu lam sangkar burung sambil baca pelbagai jampi mentera nak aniyakan Smurf2 tu... This flea-bitten cat is Gargamel's scapegoat. He follows the wizard everywhere, hoping his master will one day catch a tasty little Smurf and throw it to him to eat. That hasn't happened yet. But even though he is as stupid as Gargamel, he is a permanent menace for any Smurfs that happen to wander close to Gargamel's hut. * Pets merangkap spy Gargamel tuk mengesan Smurf2..My Little blue tiny Cerature..!!!!
Papa Smurf
Vanity Smurf
Bagi sesiapa yang pernah jadi kanak-kanak Ribena tahun 80an, mesti familliar ngan kartun ni...betul x??!!Aku ingat lagi zaman dedulu, bangun je tido ari Sabtu aku & adik2 mencongok je depan TV sbb nak tgk cite ni, marathon terus Care Bears, My Little Pony la..Sampai sekarang, selain dari Garfield & Spongebob ni la antara kartun yg paaaaling aku minat..Nape??
1. Sebab dia warna biru & putih kaler fav. aku...
2. Cute la..
3. Jalan cite dia simple n bagi moral yg baik..
4. Ada mcm2 personality dlm cite dia, mewakili watak2 manusia..
X sangka akan dianimasikan dlm 2011 akan released...!!
Jom tengok character2 utama dlm Smurf...
* Tok ketuo dlm perkampungan Smurf..Sentiasa melindungi anak2 buahnya dari ancaman Gargamel...
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