Sejurus menjemput seorang teman dari Puduraya, aku singgah ke sebuah kedai mamak di kawasan kejiranan yg agak sesak di Pantai Dalam. Keadaan parkir yang agak padat memaksa kebanyakan kereta diparkir berlapis, termasuklah kereta aku.Sambil melepak bersama teman menonton bola ( Chelsea vs Manchester City ) tiba2 pendengaranku menangkap bunyi yang membingitkan…Aku berpaling, kelihatan sekumpulan remaja sedang merempit berhampiran kawasan parkir..selang 2 minit, 1 dentuman kuat mengalihkan fokus pelanggan di kedai mamak tu..Kelihatan seseorang terbaring betul2 kat belakang kete aku…
Jeng..jeng..jeng…fuh…pucat sekejap muka aku…rupa2nya budak2 rempit tu dah terlanggar sorang mat saleh yang sedang melintas jalan..dengan hint yang x berapa baik tu, aku & teman segera beredar …sebelum herbielius aku dicederakan..Selesai menghantar temanku , aku pun bergegas pulang..jam menunjukan 4.20 pagi, masa aku melewati simpang masuk ke kawasan rumah aku..Melalui cermin belakang, kelihatan sebuah kapcai memintas aku disebelah kiri..aku memperlahankan kete utk memberi laluan kerana simpang masuk ke rumah aku tu hanya muat tuk 1 kereta..Sampai kat bonggol pertama tiba2 aku perasan kapcai tadi berada kat sebelah kanan aku..Penunggangnya seorang macha..awal 20 an..sambil memperlahankan kapcainya dia membuat signal ajak aku minum..Time tu aku dah cuak gile,,sebab jln memang tengah sunyi..aku cepat2 buat signal suruh dia blah..tapi dia makin perlahan kan motor dia..aku pecut terus belok parking depan gate umah..elok je pastu aku tengok dia dok berpusing2 depan umah aku tu…laksana jerung mengelilingi mangsa..Aku hanya terfikir untuk tekan hon sekuat hati sambil call adik aku kat dalam umah..Too bad adik aku tido mati..Memandangkan gate umah aku bermangga, aku x leh amik risiko utk turun .pas tu aku tgk moto dia hilang..aku ttp stay dalam kete,,rupanya dia belok kat lorong belakang saja nak lekakan aku..sekali lagi dia berlegar2 depan umah aku..aku terus bunyikan hon tuk takutkan dia..bila aku tengok dia belok je gi balik lorong belakang,gerak hati aku trus cakap aku mesti gerak ke kwsn yg terang dan de ramai orang..Tempat yg aku terfikir leh selamatkan aku dari marabahaya time tu ialah stesen minyak yang terletak 200m dari rumah aku..
Aku pun menuju la ke stesen minyak tu..nasib aku baik, sbb mgm tengah ramai orang kat stesen tu time tu..aku berenti la kat satu sudut yg terang sambil control panic ..tah hape balanaya..,x lama lepas tu, macha tadi sampai gak kat stesen minyak tu, aku perasan dia dah aim kete aku masa masuk kwsn stesen tu., tapi dia laju je lajak kat kedai serbeneka stesen tu, masuk & pretend like he wants too buy something..aku usha je gerak geri dia dari jauh,,,aku nampak dia x beli apa2 & just tgk kete aku dari dalam kedai tu..cehh…don’t think that I can be fooled that easy….lepas tu dia keluar & blah..aku tau dia saja nak umpan aku..kalau aku gerak balik, maybe geng dia dh siap tunggu kat depan gate umah aku..maka malam tu terpaksa la aku melelapkan mata sekejap kat stesen minyak tu..padan muka aku, sape suruh merayap sampai awal subuh…heee…pagi tu aku terpaksa di escort balik ke umah..mekasih la kat adik yg keje kat stesen tu yg sanggup off duty jap semata2 nak pastikan aku selamat sampai ke rumah.ey..cite lum abis lagi…lepas kunci gate,ngan rase ngantuk tahap maksima aku pun cepat2 nak buka kunci pintu umah aku…Tidakkkkkk!!!!!rupanya adik aku dah terkunci pintu dari dalam…haduiiiiii…lepas 20 minit buat call baru la adik aku terjaga & akhirnya aku berjaya masuk ke rumah…huuuuuuharuuuuuuu….
Dipendekan cite, tu lah nama manja kete baru aku…walaupun impian aku x lah segah orang lain yg hanya mahukan kete berjenama antarabangsa tuk sepadan dgn status mereka, aku bahagia sgt dapat memiliki herbielius..dan jugak abangnya herbie yg terlalu berjasa pada aku selama ni…
Kicut dah pegi...tah ke mana..membawa fikiran yg serabut lagi kusut...and i have nothing to say to someone who's being selfish & irrational...I just don't get it...Susah sgt ke nak share beban yg ada dlm kepala tu...Sharing is not Kicut's strongest point and that's why we could never b 2gether..
If i am another waste of everything u dream of,
I will let u down..
If i am only here to watch u as u suffer
I will let u down.....
by- Nine Days
Terus langkah pergi part 2....sebab percutian ni paling diingati & berlaku secara spontan...juga dipenuhi dgn berbagai-bagai surprise yang tak diduga....baru 4 bulan balik dari Bali Adventure 1...tiba-tiba, kawan baik call & beritahu cadangan spontannya...mula tu berbelah bagi jugak la...baru je joli gaji untuk 1st vacation...bila kenangkan kawan baik dah terlepas peluang pertama, gagah jugak nak bawak dia...dengan beraninya gamble pergi berdua...konon2 macam Frodo & Samwise la...buat journey Fellowship of the Ring...hee...
Berbekalkan budget paling minima...2juta rupiah seorang.., kami memulakan percutian pakej honeymoon...nak tahu kenapa dinamakan pakej honeymoon....??teruskan membaca..
Beberapa hari sebelum berlepas, aku demam ...mungkin sebab over excited dapat pergi lagi agaknya...macam-macam lah aku usahakan nak bagi hilang demam...minum air kelapa, air badak, air kurma cina sampailah ke tepek cool fever kat dahi ...tapi masih x kebah...petang 26 Julai 2008, aku bergerak ke rumah wir...sbb rumah wir dekat sangat dengan LCCT, takut terlambat nak check in esok..kami ni sama je ..apa-apa, semua suka buat last minute...malamnya dengan demam-demam tu, barulah kami terhegeh-hegeh nak beli stok makanan & tukar duit..malam tu aku minum berbotol-botol lagi air badak.
Lepas susun barang2, mandi di sebalik tirai dan makan sikit, kami keluar berjalan-jalan ke kawasan berhampiran hotel kami...seperti biasa, peniaga- peniaga barangan seni & kraf ramah menyapa kami..seperti kata mereka..’kita kan serumpun...’harga yang ditawarkan kepada kami juga jauh lebih rendah berbanding dengan pelancong dari Eropah, Australia & Jepun..tambah-tambah lagi jika berbual & membuat penawaran dalam dialek bahasa Indonesia...Aku siap buat jadual berkala tukaran rupiah ke ringgit lagi untuk memudahkan penilaian harga barang-barang..
Beberapa kali langkah kami terhalang dengan lintasan anjing-anjing yang bebas berkeliaran di lorong & jalan-jalan sekitar..Wir maintain je cool expression dia tu walaupun beberapa kali anjing melintas sipi-sipi kat tepi dia...pelik betul aku dengan makcik sorang ni.. ingat dia tu halimunan ke apa...sekitar jam 8.30 malam, kami kembali semula ke lokasi penginapan kerana esok kami akan di bawa untuk tour ke beberapa lokasi pilihan kami..lagipun perut dah berkeroncong, nak makan sebarangan x berani...malam tu bubur segera , roti & youghurt bar menjadi hidangan kami..Yang susahnya, tiada electric cattle disediakan, pesanan air panas terpaksa dibuat melalui room service dan air paipnya sedikit payau...
Lepas rehat , masing-masing mandi...lapar punya pasal, x sempat nak mandi dulu tadi...sambil mandi aku sempat bergurau dengan Wir...’Wir, nasib baik aku pergi dengan kau, kalau orang lain ni, sah-sah gambar aku mandi kena masuk Youtube..., Wir , jangan skodeng aku tau....’ Wir gelak besar jee..sempat dia smash aku..’hmm...siapa punya pilihan nak stay kat sini...hee..’
Bali Adventure 1

Day 1 -16 March 2008
I nearly missed my flight to Denpansar, didn’t bother to check the time that I was supposed to be in the departure gate…wheeew….3 hours flight was boring enough 4 me…I’d die of boredom if its 4 Spain …;p
Arrrive at Ngurah Rai Airport as schedule.. Was taken to the hotel ( Wina Holiday Villa ) by arranged pick- up service & to my surprise, the hotel Mgr. was so kind that he upgraded my room from Deluxe to Jr.Exec Suite…!!!Boy, am I lucky…- dragon born year person…;)
After dinner, I head back to Kuta Beach which is right in front of my hotel ( about 2 minutes walk ) wearing my pyjama & sweat shirt ( sleep walking gear )-for a walk by the beach …yeah..too late to catch a sunset view,but stil the best way to enjoy a peaceful moment …moonlight , stars & waves crushing down the shore…. By 23.00 pm, I’m already too exhausted , the only thing I wanna do is hit the bed & ZZZzzzzz…….
Day 2 - 17 March 2008
Awake by a wake up call at 6.30 am ..By 8.00 , I’m already at the coffee house enjoying my Bali style Nasi Lemak –less coconut milk with salt free dried anchovy…Nyumnyumm… with a soothing Bali Gamelan music in the background…The island trip is schedule at 8.30,but I was informed that my group have re-schedule our trip to 11.00 am..Urggghhh..a waste of my quality zzzz time…I then went back to my room for a snooze .
At 11.00am , gathered with the rest of the group members at the lobby.1 of the guy already arranged a rental car +tour service which cost only Rph 250,000/car( 4x wheels ), about RM eyhh..its equal to the hotel tour service charge per person..!!!Our driver is a young guy in his early 20’s.It took us ½ hour to find a patrol station , not tht there’s only a few,but most of them were closed cause they hv run out of patrol stock…we were told ( by our driver ) that they have x been able to get the supply from mainland 4 a few days due to the sea condition.
Finally we arrived at this small patrol station with only 2 pumps ,not to tell the long ques….1 line 4 motorcycle & 1 for cars & trucks… Oh yupp..The roads in Bali, x for the faint-hearted driver…why? cause the drivers here ignored traffic rules( both locals & foreigners ) One can still handle roads in Kuta but, other than that, it takes a Karamjit Singh skills … heeeheee… -narrow roads, slope, 90 deg. corner .the locals here really make a full use of their lands even an empty lots between buildings is being planted with paddy..paddy terrace along the road.I fell in love with most of the wooden carves furniture that I saw along the roads..and every 500m you can see this sign “Babi Guling”, it’s the famous local dish in Bali..
After a 20 minutes ride, we arrived at our 1st location,the famous temple of Tanah Lot. Entrance, Rph 10,000 per person ( about RM 3.50 ). 30 minutes to spend ..take a few shots here, buy a cute black baby tee for myself with Bali written in gold & small patch of Bali’s batik +gold carving design , Rph 55,000 ( about RM 17.20 ), some necklaces ( souvenir for my workmates ) .
We then make a move for our 2nd destination, Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural park.. The park was build with a private fund, therefore it has x been fully complete since 1995 due to financial problems. All the statue was built, hand carves phase by phase ( some from as far as Bandung )b4 being assembled . The final state would be Dewa Vishnu riding on a Garuda.. for now the only thing presence here : Dewa Vishnu himself,waist above, without both of his arm, The Garuda’s head and Dewa Vishnu’s right hand –arm length.. Cultural dance show is being performed here from time to time but since the dance will begin quite late, we decided skip the dance show and go for a lunch…We rely on Padang food for a halal food source..our driver took us to one of the restaurant ,guess what?? A rice , 3 choice of dishes + a glass of lemon ice tea only cost Rph 7,100, about RM 2.40 !!!
We were lucky to arrive in Bali a week after the celebration of ’ Hari Nyepi’( 7 th March )cause during Hari Nyepi no one is allowed to be on the street-infact one will have to inform & ask permission from the Police station to go out on that day..after 19.00pm, lights have to be turn off completely( except for hotel area ), they belief evil spirit were out to posses human. On this day, which is celebrate by the (Hindus in Bali only )they will do ‘soul cleansing activity like fasting & meditation.
And they are in the middle of election campaign (for Bali province ),i can see all the flags & banners with PDI as a dominant party in Bali –with red bulls head symbol. There’s also a Carrefour in Bali..! and it’s a Durian’s season!!, was told that durian from Bedugul district is the best ,cause its an orchard on a hill ,a bit cold with haze…but we didn’t try it though…
Then ,after a 30 minutes ride , we arrived at this temple in the district of Badung, Pura Luhur Uluwatu is the name ( if I’m x mistaken -a Monkeys temple on a hill top by the sea…)We were told to take a good care of our belongings especially camera, as the strap will attract monkeys…( ohoooh..sounds like ‘my precious ‘is in precious, precious camera ) Entrance Is Rph 3,000 per person ( about RM 1.00 )Visitors will be provided with a plain purple sarong if their clothing is anything knee length or less –they will have to ware the sarong b4 they can enter the temple area. And visitor will also be provided with an orange long piece of cloth which one will have to tie around their waist b4 entering the temple.. I think that is to give the illusion that we are regular there( to the monkeys ), so they won’t bother us.. or perhaps the orange colour itself state “WARNING!!”
Indeed, there’s lotssss of them..(monkeys )It’s a thrilling moments going up the stairs to the temple…like 60 steps, with monkeys everywhere, on the trees, hiding behind bushes ,or chasing one another..but somehow I still managed to act cool…I have to be xtra careful when taking photos here…can sometimes hear screaming from the background when the monkeys tries to be ‘friendly’ with the visitor.
This is where the view of Indian Ocean was shot from the cliff, lucky enough that we’re the 1 st group to arrive on the we don’t really have to ‘struggle ‘ waiting for the right time to click the camera..soon after that , groups of tourist already crowded the area… Then we split, some of my group members decided to stay for a Kecak dance performance, while others including me choose to take a walk at Kuta town..
Our driver dropped us at Hard Rock Mega store for some shopping..didn’t find anything that I fancy, except a thick soft cotton bathrobe but I ‘d be selfish if I decided to have it cause I’ve already bought a few things for myself…so i opt to the local shops for some souvenir with some bargins ,managed to get something for my family & friends.. & a take away dinner from McD. Fewwyhh ..By the times that I’m done, it’s already 22.15pm ,take a cab back to the hotel .After shower , I effortlessly ZZzzzzzzzz…
Day3 - 18 March 2008….
Don’t wanna wake up at all…Wake up means back to reality,leaving Bali, going home & …back to office…NOOO!!! At 11.55am, was send to the airport ,,,On the plane as I look outside the window…,I know somehow I’ll return…cause I haven’t finish touring the whole Island